Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day +1291 : A night visit to Setia Alam

I am fine today.

Our church would like to plant a church in Setia Alam. We are now considering purchasing a shop lot for the new church. The price of the 3-storey shop lot increases sharply over the last couple of months. The one that is facing the road with a launching price of RM0.8million is now selling at RM1.5 million :-( To make matter worse, most shop owners are reluctant to sell due to high demand, leaving us without much choice.

We were very interested at one shop lot that is facing the main road with a selling price of RM1.5 million. However, we have second thought when we were told that there was a night market on the street in front of it every Saturday. We worried that it will incur inconvenient to church members should we gather on Saturday as the street will be blocked from vehicle access to give way to the night market.

In order to understand the real situation, we pay a visit to the place this evening. We were surprised to find out that the night market was so crowded. It is very long, stretching from one end of the street to the other.

Parking can be a problem on Saturday night and traffic jam is another problem. We encountered traffic jam on the way back. As the population in Setia alam continues to increase, we foresee this problem will become more apparent in future.

There were a total of 70 adult and children visiting the place - a visit with the most number of church members participating. Before visiting the night market, we had dinner first at a restaurant nearby.

The restaurant where we had dinner - one with the best business along the street
Car park almost full
Church members arriving
We booked 7 tables - RM120 nett each
The dishes

Enjoying the meal

Homemade jelly by Rev. Lau

The night market - one of the shop lots is the one that I talked about earlier

See you next post :-)


Setia Alam said...

Setia Alam is getting crowded now, the property price is shooting high and i believe it is near to the peak already....

David said...

Yes, but it also depends on how Setia Alam is going to play the game.