Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Day +735 : Lung CT Scan

I am fine today.

I did the high resolution lung CT Scan in UH this morning. The result of the scan is still unknown. The lab staff told me that they will send the result to doctor directly.

Even though the appointment was at 8:45am, I went to the hospital at 6:30am to beat the traffic jam.

Fortunately, no contrast dye needs to be applied for lung CT Scan; else a Braunüle have to be fixed on my hand in order to inject the dye into the body. If the CT scan covers the abdominal region then the dye has to be applied. Based on my blog entry Day +111, I had my first CT Scan done during my third chemotherapy. Since this scan covered the abdominal region, the dye was applied and I had to drink some solution as well. The experience was not very good.

This is my 2nd CT Scan after bone marrow transplant. The first one was on Day +461 when the liver enzymes ALT shot up to 787 as mentioned in my blog Day +461 : Follow-up – Back to day care unit.

How much is the cost for a lung CT Scan? RM450. But again I didn’t have to pay as my wife is a government servant :-)

Thank to my wife and the government :-)

See you next post :-)

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