Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Day +699 : So breathless to swim now – 上气不接下气 :-(

I am fine today.

I swim for the first time in a swimming pool after bone marrow transplant when we had holiday in Awana Genting last week, but one thing I must admit is that I am no longer as strong as before.

Before I was diagnosed with Leukaemia, I could dive from one end of the swimming pool to the other end in one shot, and I managed to do this for a few times. But now I feel so breathless just to swim, not dive, from one end of the swimming pool to the other end; almost 断气 (die of breathlessness) halfway :-(

This is another effect of the Leukaemia treatment. However, this is just a small matter; I can do almost anything that I can do before the Leukaemia treatment :-)

See you next post :-)

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