Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day +231

My Blood Count Today:
Red Blood Count (RBC) = 126(Normal 130-180)
Platelet = 126(Normal 150-450)
White Blood Count (WBC) = 3.8(Normal 4 - 11)
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) = 2.204 (Normal 1.5 - 8.0)
Potassium = 4.3(Normal 3.5 - 5.2)
ALT = 220(Normal <51 )
AST = 110(Normal < 41)

I am fine today.

I went to do non-routine checkup this morning in UH. The ALT and AST doubled compared to last follow-up’s reading. This means my liver function is degrading. Together with sore and dry mouth and throat, dry eyes and body rashes, doctor said that it is very likely I am having acute GVHD instead of chronic GVHD.

Doctor also performed a skin biopsy for me in the afternoon to confirm that the rashes are caused by GVHD. This is the first time I went through the procedure. Local anesthetic was given and then a small piece of skin was peeled off from my abdomen. I did not experience much pain throughout the procedure but it left four stitches on my abdomen to cover up the wound :-(

Doctor prescribed me a steroid tablet called Prednisolone to treat the GVHD. It is used to treat some inflammatory disease (reduces swelling) and at the same time also acts as an immunosuppressive agent to control GVHD. Since my throat is inflamed and I have GVHD, the drug is just like the stone that manages to kill two birds :-) (一石二鸟)

My next follow-up will still be next Monday. Since I need to be monitored more regularly from now on due to acute GVHD, I will be followed up in the day care unit in the hematology ward instead of the G clinic.

Will the condition getting worse? I do not know but doctor said that this condition is quite easy to treat :-) I just pray that what he said is true.

See you next post :-)


Anonymous said...

God is our healer. In the Name of Jesus, we have power, strength, hope.

i believe He will heal you, and use you as a testimony for other. May you be the blessing for other.

Anonymous said...

Dear David,

Will pray for you and your family. Take care.


David said...

Thank you jj and Grace. Yes, we rest our hope in God; in Him we trust :-)

God bless,