Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day +225

I am fine today.

Our church organized a Chinese New Year potluck dinner yesterday. My family brought two dishes to the potluck. One was mixed vegetable salad and the other was deep-fried special seafood Tofu.

The delicous mixed vegetable salad was prepared by my mother-in-law.

The Tofu was cooked by me. A few attendees said that the Tofu was more delicious than the restaurant’s. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to taste it. When I started to eat after finished feeding my daughter Adriel, none left :-(

Some of the foods served at the potluck.After the potluck, I helped my wife to type her school test paper. Not like last time, the test paper nowadays uses a lot of diagrams. Neither one of us can draw well. As usual, I had to scan diagrams into the computer through a scanner.

The deadline for test paper submission is today. Thus, we had to complete the paper no matter how tired we are. At one point of time, I was almost fallen asleep on top on the scanner:-( By the time I got the test paper printed, it was already 1:00am in the morning.

Even though I was exhausted, it is still worth to do it because yesterday is Valentine’s Day :-) If my wife heard this, she will insist that everyday is Valentine’s Day in order to make me feel worthy to help her anytime :-)

See you next post :-)

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