Friday, February 09, 2007

Day +219

I am fine today. Continue from yesterday…

The agency’s owner persuaded me to lodge a police report to say that the maid run away. She would then apply ‘run away’ insurance for me and back date it to an appropriate date so that a claim can be made. This would save us and the agency a big sum of money. After her continuous lobbying and assurance that it would be fine to do this, I agreed.

I regretted of accepting her proposal on the way home. It was definitely not right for me as a Christian to cheat the police and the insurance company. This is against the Bible teaching and my conscience, but the problem is that I already agreed to her proposal.

After discussing with my wife, I decided to back off from the proposal. I called the agency’s owner and apologized to her for changing my mind. However, she insisted that this should be the right way of doing thing. In the end I told her I am a Christian and it is against the Bible teaching and my conscience to do this. If I did what she proposed, I would have no peace within me and I surely couldn’t sleep anymore. Peaceful heart or money, which is more important?

After listening this, she changed her tune suddenly. She praised me and even said, “How I wish my daughter could find a husband like this.” :-) I slept peacefully that night even though I knew I had to pay more money to replace the maid :-)

To be continued and see you next post :-)


Anonymous said...

Somebody once said , there are two honest people in the world; one is dead and the other is not borned yet.

David said...

Yes, no one is perfect. However, this does not imply that we shall not pursue perfection.

We cast our eye on the ONE who is perfect, and strive to be as perfect as HIM, as Bible says, "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection..."

Likewise, we are not born to be honest, but it is our noble duty to strive to be honest :-)