Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Day +217

I am fine today.

During my post-transplant follow-up on Monday, I met a Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) patient who did his bone marrow transplant 7 years ago. He managed to have another two children after the bone marrow transplant.

This man is very sociable and talkative. I met him with another two post-transplant patients in the follow-up clinic. He told us to follow his footstep to ensure a successful bone marrow transplant like him. Then he advised us to drink a product from a MLM company which advocates nutritional immunology. It would cost us RM900 per month to consume the product with the recommended dosage.

“Do you drink the product?” I asked.

“No,” he answered.

He told me he wanted to use his CML treatment experience to help other patient. And I am very clear that this help is in the form of persuading patients to consume products from this MLM company where he is a distributor.

It is definitely advantageous for people like us who underwent aggressive treatment to dive into MLM health product marketing. As an effort to expand our marketing network, we can simply claim that the products help us. Many people will eventually get the signal that it was the product that cures us. Unfortunately, I am still not able to find a convincing product that I can become a distributor :-(

This man even asked me to throw away the medicine that I am taking now :-( It might not cause him any problem last time, but how did he know this act would not endanger me?

We must be very careful in accepting advice from people; even from someone who claims that they are very experience in the situation that we are facing. Some advice issued by them could be deadly; simply advising people to stop medication is an example.

See you next post :-)

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