Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day +221

I am fine today. Continued from yesterday…

Not only the maid’s identity changed, but her religion also changed from Christian to Muslim. Seeing me so surprised looking at the documents, the staff said, “Don’t worry. Everything is in order. You see, the passport is real; the immigration clearance is also real with proper stamp on it. If these documents are not real, how could we manage to get her new work permit with your name as employer?” Yes, everything was real. I knew something must be dreadfully wrong, but seeing those ‘real’ documents issued by government departments, what else could I say? Indonesia Boleh, and Malaysia pun Boleh! (Indonesia can do it, and Malaysia can do it too!)

Now I believe this is just a tip of the iceberg. Who know how many in the administration are making illegal legal and doing something illegal legally? Sigh!

After hearing the agency staff said that they can in fact convert tourist visa to proper working permit but I might not want to do it because I am a Christian (See Day +218), I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to do it legally. If I were to do this, same trick applied to my former maid has to be used. It will be cheaper and ‘legal’, but it is wrong :-( Considering this, I choose the service of another maid agency to bring my former maid’s relative here through proper channel.

See you next post :-)

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