Monday, November 27, 2006

Day +145

My Blood Count Today:
Red Blood Count (RBC) = 118(Normal 130-180)
Platelet = 120(Normal 150-450)
White Blood Count (WBC) = 3.7(Normal 4 - 11)
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) = 2.553 (Normal 1.5 - 8.0)
Potassium = 4.6(Normal 3.5 - 5.2)

I am fine today. I went to UH to do follow-up this morning. All counts improved :-) Doctor also cut down my Ciclosporin intake from 75mg/day to 50mg/day. Now back to the InnerTalk story…

InnerTalk Story: Part 3 of 6

Their brochure listed many independent research works that make the method scientifically proven, but not a single reference was given. They should at least give us an idea where and when the works had been published, so that it would be easier to verify their claim. They also claimed these researches were done in collaboration with Universities such as University of South California, Stanford University, Bremen University and etc. But if you search the universities web site for InnerTalk relevant works, you find none.

There is a warning labeled on the CD, “Warning: This is a thought modification program. Do not attempt to make duplicate from this CD since the subliminal contents of the resulting copy would be severely degraded; and all guarantees will be void.” What they mean is that if you ‘pirate’ the CD, the quality of the message might degrade or change, resulting in your subconscious incorrectly programmed. For example, the message “I am slim” might become “I am fat”. As I studied electronic and computer engineering, and later computer science, I can confidently tell you that the first part of the warning is far from truth. It is their way of threatening you from duplicating their product in an effort to protect their profit.

The audio CD was prepared using digital technology which uses a combination of discrete value 1 and 0 to present information. The computer or CD player also comes with every robust error detection technology. So if a message “11011001” becomes “10011001”, the computer will be able to detect the mistake and correct it. So it is impossible the quality will degrade. I can also tell you that they themselves do not abide to this warning because their US counterpart is selling some CD titles in mp3 format. When we convert the original audio CD to mp3, the conversion algorithm purposely throw away portions of signal which our ear could not detect to reduce the size of music file. Who knows the portion that is thrown away is not the vital message that we intend to send to our subconscious mind?

To be continued and see you next post:-)

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