Friday, November 03, 2006

Day +121

I am fine today. I have recovered from coughing and running nose.

Last week, I purchased 40 Chinese story books from Popular Bookshop. These books are from China. They are very cheap especially after forty to fifty percent discount.

When I brought these books home happily to show to my eldest son Daniel, he looked unhappy. “Why you buy so many?” he questioned. I said the books are for him to read. “I don’t like to read these books!” he answered. In the end, it looks like these story books bring extra burden to him :-(

Many children today fail to appreciate how fortunate they are (身在福中不知福). When I was at his age, I experienced great difficulty to find story books to read. My family could not afford to buy books. Furthermore, the primary school that I studied did not want to operate a library, even though the government supplied many story books to it. They just left piles of story books in a room to gather dust. I always drooled with envy (垂涎三尺) when I saw the books.

In the village, I had a cousin who purchased many story books. He locked all the books in a cupboard with glass doors. Unfortunately, he was quite selfish and did not like to share the books with me. Again, I always drooled with envy when I saw those nicely arranged story books in the cupboard. If his mood was good and I was fortunate, he might let me read one book after continuous begging.

To be continued and see you next post :-)

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