Thursday, November 04, 2010

Day +1582 : I need Nanny McPhee

I am fine today.

I found and watched a very nice movie called Nanny McPhee and the Bing Bang. It is a family movie talking about how Nanny McPhee tamed 5 mischievous children.

"I am Nanny McPhee. Small 'C,' big 'P,' " that was how she introduced herself, and she said that she was an army nanny.

Nanny McPhee taught 5 very important lessons in the movie and whenever the children learned a new lesson, she became more beautiful.
  1. Lesson #1: To stop fighting - Upper wart disappears.
  2. Lesson #2: To share - Lower wart disappears.
  3. Lesson #3: To work together - Unibrow disappears
  4. Lesson #4: To be brave - Hair goes from gray to brown.
  5. Lesson #5: To have faith - Snaggle tooth disappears.
A detail account of the movie is available here.

I need Nanny McPhee - one with some magical power - to teach my children. If you met one, let me know :-)

The poster of the movie. My niece told me that this is sequel to a movie called Nanny McPhee released 2005. I am looking for that now.
See you next post :-)

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