One of the interesting tracks that I attended introducing us the new Microsoft programming language called F# (F sharp). The presenter claimed that the language has many advantages over the existing languages.
One of the most notable advantages which is of my interest is that the application written in this language is optimized to run on multi-core system transparency. This means that the application will be clever enough to divide a job into many concurrent sessions and send them to different cores of the processor for processing. This will make the application run very fast. Without F#, a developer has to manually code the application to fully utilize the power of a multi-core processor.
We are currently using C# (C Sharp) as the primary programming language in developing our software. Now Microsoft invented F# which is claimed to be more advance than C#. When I first heard about F#, I wonder if I had a chance to design a programming language, what I shall call it. I think the best name is Z## (Z Sharp Sharp). Why? Because you can’t have anything after Z, and in music, you can have the most two sharps(#) after a note. This prevents other to overtake me, and since it is the last possible name, the language should be the most complete one :-)
The delegates pass.
Ready for lunch...
Self service
Long long queue... :-)
Fried prawn
Enjoying lunch with a colleague
A table full of food with "hardworking" colleagues (埋头苦干)
Hey! My food
Another day's lunch
I enjoyed the conference in general and hoped that the next year Tech.Ed SEA will be held in Malaysia again.
See you next post :-)
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