My friend, William, a Foochow from Sarawak, likes fishing very much. He is also our church member.
“I am going fishing later,” he told me after the church service last Sunday.
A taxi driver who knew that he is a fishing enthusiast leaded him to a rural area in Semenyih to fish. It took him more than an hour to reach the destination after going through some lengthy winding road.
He fished by a mountain river that is bred with different kinds of fish by someone. He didn’t expect much when he first saw the place, but he had a good catch in the end; catching more than 10 fishes :-)
He invited Pastor Andrew, Richard, and me as well as our spouses to have a dinner in a restaurant tonight. He brought two different types of fish, each weighing 3.5kg and 2kg respectively, and asked the chef to cook them for us.
We also ordered some vegetable and meat, and we managed to finish all of them; including the 5.5kg river fish :-)
Before I post the dishes, I must say that the river fish tastes extremely fresh and delicious.
What a marvelous meal!
Group photo. The big guy in the middle is William.
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