Friday, October 27, 2006

Day +114

I am fine today. Now continue my story at UH…

On Day 12, my blood’s creatinine level rose to 137 µmole/L. The normal range should be somewhere between 50 and 121 µmole/L. Creatinine is a chemical waste produced from muscle metabolism. The kidney filtered it out from the blood stream and disposes it through urine. A high level of creatinine in blood indicates that the kidney is not functioning properly. The high level of creatinine level in my blood showed that my kidney function had been affected by Amphoteracin B.

I experienced fever on 4 March 2006 (Day 13). This was within my expectation because based on my experience, fever would normally occur on someday between Day 13 and Day 16. In the evening on that day when I just about to feel the “heat of fever”, I complained to one of the nurses who came to administer drug to me, “Susahlah saya berdemam lagi” (It is unfortunate for me to have fever again). The nurse was so kind to offer me a more isolated room which was partitioned for two beds with a common access door. Each partition has its own attached bath room and more importantly, patient could limit the visitors to avoid visitor-carried infection.

The ward supposed to limit the number of visitors because many patients were having very low immunity. Thus unhealthy visitors can easily spread diseases to the patients in the ward. Considering the risk of infection of myself and other patients, I declined many visitors during my chemotherapy. However, I was once “amazed” to see a total of 15 visitors coming to the ward at the same time to visit a patient. Due to reasons unknown to me, the ward failed to limit the number of visitors even though the staffs tried to do it.

After the nurse put me to sleep to receive Amphoteracin B at about 8:30pm, they moved me and all my belongings to the isolated room.

See you next post :-)

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