Sunday, September 17, 2006

Day +74

I am fine today. Finally, Joseph and I managed to complete all the 100 levels of Star Defender II. We win :-) Now back to my story…

On my blog on day +48, I mentioned I encountered many people speculating the causes of my disease as thought they are more knowledgeable than specialist. Most of the time I just listened to them, but sometime I tell them how I live.

  1. I didn't smoke and drink.
  2. I jogged very everyday until I sweated a lot. This is detoxification.
  3. I normally passed motion in less than 1 minute everyday. Again this is detoxification.
  4. I ate an apple everyday in the morning before meal.
  5. I ate oat meal mixed with low fat high calcium milk every morning as breakfast.
  6. I took Spirulina tablets, Chorella tablets, salmon oil capsules and Vitamin C everyday.
  7. I ate home made yogurt almost everyday, at least 500ml per week. I sometime mixed the yogurt with New Zealand Manuka honey.
  8. I drank at least a cup of green tea imported from Japan everyday.
  9. I seldom took outside food. I came home for lunch everyday, because my house is near the office. I ate simple meal comprises of mainly vegetable, fish and rice with some chicken meat.
  10. I took a 15 minutes afternoon nap everyday.
  11. I normally slept early and waked up early.
  12. I listened to a lot of classical music, at least 8 hours during working day.
  13. I was very interested in my job, so even I worked a little bit harder than other staff; I was not too much burdened by the job.
  14. I ate quite a lot of fruits.
  15. I slept very well everyday.
  16. I am a Christian and I am happy most of the time. I don’t have much worry in my life.

After I explained to them these points, do you know what I answer I get? The answer is "Funny O..". Because this is somewhat against what they belief:

  1. You don't get cancer if you pass motion smoothly and sweat everyday, because they detoxified your body.
  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  3. You must be healthy if you took oat meal.
  4. Spirulina, vitamin C will increase your body immune system.
  5. Yogurt provides a lot of good bacteria to you. You will be healthy by taking yogurt everyday.
  6. Green tea prevents cancer. After I was diagnosed with this disease, I still read something about this in the newspaper. I laugh...
  7. Christian should be always healthy.

I met a patient who was very concerned about her health, taking brown rice and almost never touch fried food, but she was diagnosed with CML and passed always few months ago.

The conclusion is a lot of concept on "healthy life style" as advocated by natural therapist might not always be true. If you follow everyone's idea, you might end up with nothing to eat and have to hide inside a space suite in order to avoid contact with the polluted environment :-)

We can do our very best to live a healthy life, but I can tell you also no one knows how "healthy" is really "healthy". So the most important point to me is to trust and to put our hope in God, a hope of eternal life in heaven without sickness, pain, sorrow and suffering :-)

See you next post :-)


Anonymous said...

A serious disease is not built in 1-2 years, sometimes it needs even more than 10 years to cause such severe disease. People including me keep thinking we should not diagnosed with such disease because we have already tried our best to live as healthy as possible in recent years. However, we don’t see what we had been doing in the past (or long time in the past) which might be the main cause for the disease.

In previous blog you mentioned you didn’t sleep for few days to resolve an IT problem in last year before you were diagnosed this disease. I have no idea how many times you have been doing this overnight (presume it’s normal for IT people). One of the reasons why we need to sleep everyday because our body will be easily gets into acidic situation when the body needs to rest but we insist to keep the spirit and ask our body or brain to work. When our body is in acidic, it will be the best time for viruses to carry their activities.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy life needs to be started as young as possible…. whether in food and nutritious intake, how to live healthily and happily or even in spiritual belief.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

David said...

I appreciate your comment and also believe that we should live a healty life as early as possible. The problem is nobody know how "healthy" is healthy. If you think that you are already living a healthy life, someone will come to you and said, "You still have not done enough, you should take this product to be healthy." This might not be a problem if you are willing to take the product. But sometime, someone will tell you, "To be healthy, distill water is the purest and best water." and another one said to you, "No, no distill water is acidic, you should take reverse osmosis water..." In the end, no matter what type of water you took, it is still considered unhealthy :-(

I can assure you that it is extremely rare for me to work overnight, even though I am an IT guy. The IT company that I worked with is one of the most relaxing company. All staff went home before 7:00pm :-) In fact, most of the time I slept early and wake up early. I came from a village in Sarawak. It is a quiet place without any night life. People there sleep as early as 9:00pm. When I was studying, I even went to sleep as early as 8:30pm and wake up at about 4:30am to study. My university mates were very surprised to see me went to sleep that early.

Yes, putting our hope in God, tomorrow will always be better.

Thank you and God bless you :-)