Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day +52

I am fine today.

I never thought that I would be so “lucky” to have this AML, a disease which seems so strange to me, but suddenly is inside me. I never buy lottery or 4D throughout my life, but I did participate in many lucky draw and competition which require luck to win. Apart from winning a second prize lucky draw which consists of air tickets for two persons from Miri to Mulu National Park more than 10 years ago, I never win any other prizes. In fact, the chance of getting AML is quite small, it may be as little as a few persons among 100,000. So getting this disease is just like winning a 2 million ringgit first prize TOTO 6/42 jackpot without even putting a bet on it.

How I wish this is just a bad dream where I could just settle every problem in the dream, no matter how critical it is, by waking up from the dream. I believe everyone experience some bad dream occasionally. A dream such as forgot to prepare for exam, lost in the jungle, family member kidnapped or falling down from very high altitudes. When we wake up, we would say to ourselves, "What a relief, it is just a dream." Then we don't have to be troubled by whatever problem in the dream, unless we are looking for trouble.

See you next post:-)

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