Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Day +175

I am fine today.

On Christmas night, I promised my eldest son Daniel that I will treat him a dinner which he can choose to order anything he likes. Initially, he wanted to eat crab but he changed his mind later. He wanted to have a steamboat dinner. So I brought my family for a steamboat dinner tonight.

The standard steamboat set did not come with any crab. However, we can side order it at a cost of RM30 per kg. I told Daniel the price and let him decide whether to order it or not. He finally 'abandoned' his desire of eating crab because he felt that it is too expensive.

You see, nowadays, children are bosses and parents are servant. The parent-children roles of filial piety(孝顺) has reversed. Instead of children have to respect and honor (孝顺) parents, now parents have to respect and honor (孝顺) their children :-( No wonder many of us do not want to bear too many children because the more children we have, the more people we have to respect and honor(孝顺).

The photo below proves what I said. (老爸正在孝顺孩子们) .Click to get a larger view.

See you next post :-)

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