Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day +154

I am fine today.

I started to go to office to do some ‘low-tension’ work :-). Just go whenever I feel like to go, and come home whenever I feel like to come home. Just wear whatever I like to wear and do whatever I like to do. Jobs with deadline and pressure are strictly prohibited. It is just like parents pamper their sick children with all sorts of goodies. To put it in positive way, this is the advantages of getting sick (自我安慰) :-)

It is not bad to be given this type of privilege. I no longer need to jump here and there (like what my nephew does now :-)), trying to solve all problems and finish all works simultaneously like a superman. And I hope with this, I can relax and see thing more clearly and explore something that was once considered not workable or impossible. This is just like what a Chinese idiom says, ‘当局者迷,旁观者清’,which means the observers are able see better than the players during a chess match.

When we first started to work, we are really ‘doing the work’. We have full control of the work. After sometimes, more work and responsibilities are assigned to us, and we started to lose some control of the work. Sometimes later, more work and responsibilities are assigned to us, and we almost lose control of all the work. We work frantically in an effort to clear all the backlog of work in order to have a gasp. But it seems that the more we work, the more work flow in, like an unending stream of water. At last, we work not because we want to do the work, but the ‘work’ forces us to do it. Instead of we are ‘doing the work’, now ‘the work is doing us’ :-(

If you are in the above situation, do not be discouraged. Many people cannot find a job, and yet you have so much work to do. You are considered to be very lucky! Positive thinking again :-)

See you next post and happy working :-)

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