Monday, April 11, 2011

Day +1740 : No wonder kampong duck is more delicious!

I am fine today.

In the class of "Introduction to Christian Education" last Friday, our lecturer was comparing oppressive teaching and redemptive teaching. Oppressive teaching has the characteristics of competitive(竞争), unidirectional(单向) and alienate(疏远), while the redemptive teaching has the characteristics of inspirational(启导), bidirectional(双向) and practical(实践).

She used the city ducks to illustrate what oppressive teaching is. Duck farmers normally forced the duck to drink a lot of water (spoon-feed them) before sending them to the market as this will increase the weight of the duck, and thus earning more profit. This is analogous to oppressive teaching where we force the student to "swallow" something that they are not interested with.

What conclusion should we draw from the illustration? The standard conclusion might be students who are under oppressive teaching are not happy and cannot learn well. However, as a gluttonous person, I had a very different conclusion, that is "no wonder kampong duck is more delicious." The reason is very simple; they are not forced to drink and thus always happy. Common sense tells us that happy duck is more delicious than unhappy one. What do you think?

Lecturers never know what students are thinking while listening to the lecture. One that looks very concentrated physically in the class might has his mind wandering, dreaming about where he should enjoy delicious roasted kampong duck next.

See you next post :-)

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