Monday, November 16, 2009

Day +1230 : Clearing idols (2)

I am fine today. Continued from yesterday...

Now Mr. Mah's mother's house
Idols that were accumulated over the years
Singing songs again
Let's pray
Start clearing...

Presenting a gift to the family
Group photo
Family photo under the cross, from left - Mrs. Mah, Mr. Mah, his mother and his brother
Together with Pastors
Mr. Mah treated us a nice dinner at the nearby restaurant after the work

See you next post :-)


SeuChuong said...

Good work. Never believe in those man-made idols which are lifeless.
There are still a lot of such "things" in Kuching.I hope the workshippers will realise that they are just wasting their time to cast their hard-earned money
and trust on those "lumps of earth".
I really pity them.

David said...

It can be very costly. But the main problem is that the worshippers find no peace in it. David

Unknown said...

To SeuChuong,

There are many religions and how I look at them is based on how they respect the others which you dun have.

There are many human on this earth and how God look at them is how they behave not how they pray.

Thank you.

Seu Chuong said...

To SKLim
I did not quote the religions.
I talked about the idols which are created by men. In Kuching, some of those idols are in the form of stones, statutes, beasts,etc.
People here treat them as their GODS. If the idols can solve human problems and perform miracles, then it deserves our greater attention of the nature, force and power dwelling within those things.
"Guan Gong - 关云长/关羽)" was actually a chinese genaral who was killed by his opponent and many Kuching people workship him. He is not GOD and yet people here treat him as GOD. Why? Why? A blind leading a blind??

Unknown said...

If you already chosen to not believe, then no way you can understand why people doing that.

You talk about "idols which are created by men". I wonder which idol is not created by men?

You believe what you believe and I respect what you believe. That is it.