Our church cleared idols for two houses in a row this afternoon.
We went to Mr. Mah’s house in Puchong first. Mr Mah accepted Lord Jesus recently. He attended the Easter potluck in our church April this year. This was the first time ever he set foot in a church, and in that event, he was touched by a testimony given by a church member whose life was overwhelmingly transformed by Jesus.
After encountering many setbacks in his life, he eventually turned to Jesus few weeks ago. He said he found tremendous peace while worshiping in the church, a peace no others could provide. Before that, he felt that he was floating helplessly amidst a dark sea, living a life without purpose and full of troubles.This drove him to the brink of committing suicide.
He told us over the dinner that encountering with Jesus was like being rescued from the sea of darkness. And I believed his experience is similar to what Bible said in 2 Samuel 22:17, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” 『他从高天伸手抓住我,把我从大水中拉上来。』
With this wonderful encounter, he brought his wife, mother and brother to Jesus. We went to clear idols in his mother’s house at Sungei Besi after we finished clearing idols in his house.
Seeing how one’s life was transformed by Jesus is the most joyful thing in my life :-)
Singing songs
Praise the Lord.
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