Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Day +21

My Blood Count Today:
Red Blood Count (RBC) 96(Normal 130-180)
Platelet 16(Normal 150-50)
White Blood Count (WBC) = 3.0 (Normal 4 - 11)

I am well today. The white blood count reaches 3.0, a very good increase. The red blood and platelet count drop a bit but I believe they will pick up very soon.

The bone marrow aspiration is postponed to tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances.

I have also completed the current course of intravenous antibiotic. The doctor also stops to administer normal saline(Sodium Chloride solution) to me since I can drink and eat without problem. With this, I can move freely in the room as my hand is no longer "wired" to anything now.

I would like to thank Dawn for sharing the followng bible verse with me through the comment for my post yesterday.

"It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?" Psalms 127:2

"你们清晨早起,夜晚安歇,吃劳碌得来的饭,本是枉然;惟有耶和华所亲爱的,必叫他安然睡觉。" 诗篇 127:2

The phrase "giving rest" in chinese translation simply means "sleep peacefully or sleep well".

The ability to sleep well is a gift from God and I thank God for blessing me with this precious gift. I have to wake up many times at night in the hospital to go to toilet due to heavy water intake. After waking up, I would be able to continue sleep without problem. Before I was diagnosed with Leukaemia, I always wake up together with my wife at 5:30am as she needs to go to teach in school at about 6:30am. While my wife preparing herself to go to school, I went for jogging for about 25 minutes, completing a distance of about 3.7km. After sending off my wife to school, I would continue to enjoy my sleep for another hour.

Since I can sleep very well and my wife always has difficulty to continue her sleep after waking up, I always volunteered myself to bottle-feed the babies at night if they cried for milk. However, it would be impossible for me to help her if the babies are still under breast-feeding because there is no way for me to produce milk for the baby.

Apart from able to continue sleep after some interruptions, I am also able to sleep with the light turn on, people moving around, noisy environment, without mattress and pillow:-)

But one of my brother-in-laws can sleeps better than me. He always turns on the light, the television and radio together, and then sit down on the sofa to enjoy himself. I was greatly puzzled by this funny behaviour - how can he watches television and listen to the radio at the same time? His loud and noisy snoring will soon tells you that he is actually enjoying sleeping there with everything turned on. However, if you think that he is wasting electricity and try to help him to turn off either the television or radio, he will wake up immediately and question: "Who turn it off?" It looks like he is able to enjoy both the television and radio program at the same time while sleeping. With him possessing this extraordinary ability, I have to admit that he can sleep a lot better than me:-)

See you next post and happy sleeping:-)


Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.