I am fine. Continue from yesterday…
I read an article that explained why many who died of A1 (H1N1) were strong youth and adult, not from weaker group like children and senior citizen. The argument is that strong youth and adult are having an immune system that is too strong which causes damages to the lung cells that are infected by the virus. This is literally equal to overdose. I scan the article for your reference.
The article. Click to have a larger view
This article brings a strong message that strong is not necessary the better! "Just nice" is the best. We are the creation of God, and under normal circumstances, our immune system should work well - in balance condition. In other words, our immune system is neither too strong, nor too weak.
Tempering this balance condition through health products may bring undesirable result, one that causes casualties in A1 (H1N1) for example. In short, too strong an immune system can be fatal.
I came across some products that claim to contain certain hormone that brings longevity or products that have anti-aging effect. After doing some research, I found out that the hormone is only one of the factors that affect aging. Tempering a single factor might causes the body goes out of balance and brings undesirable result. Growing tumor is one of the possible outcomes.
I see aging as part of the design so that every part of the body ages in sync to avoid health problem. There is no point of remaining young with tumor, isn't it?
In conclusion, never assume the role of God by tempering what He has put in place unless it is necessary:-)
See you next post :-)
Wondering what will the direct sellers say if you show them the article. Haha...
I suggest we try to sell them GOD instead.
Good idea :-)
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