Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day +1862 : Gideon, a judge or a scientist?

I am fine today.

The Bible, Judges chapter 6 introduces to us a judge call Gideon. At that time, Israelites were oppressed by other peoples and they cried to the Lord for help.

God sent his angel to Gideon and asked Gideon the mighty warrior to save Israel out of the hand of their enemies. Gideon didn’t believe what the angel said, and asked the angel to show him a sign. The angel asked Gideon to prepare an offering and he would set fire on it. And things did happened that way.

When Gideon was confronted with enemies, he asked God to show him a sign again, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised--look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And that was what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew--a bowlful of water.

Gideon was still not convinced with what he saw. He was not very sure whether it was an accident that things happened that way, so he initiated another request to God, “Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew.” And again things happened that way. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew.

Gideon needed three signs to be convinced that God would help him to win. That were certainly not a man with great faith needed. However, seeing him from a different perspective earn him a respect from me, simply because he was an rigorous scientist who repeated his experiments three times, and got the desired results every time :-)

Gideon the judge whose faith most suspect is Gideon the scientist whose rigorousness I respect.

See you next post :-)

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