Thursday, August 02, 2012

Day +2219 : Dropping the subject of Contemporary Theology

I am fine today.

I registered for 7 subjects this semester that carry a total of 16 credits. I found out that it is too much for me to handle so many subjects, so I dropped the subject of Contemporary Theology. However, I still attend class as an observer. The good thing to be an observer is that I don't need to do any assignment, and the bad thing is that I might not learn as much.

This is an election subject which means that converting it to observation status will not affect the overall course requirement. I registered for the subject solely based on my interest to get to know the latest development in theology - what are the important theological issues being discussed, who are the influential theologians in this time, and lastly, the pros and cons of their theological views.

I still have 6 subjects to handle, and life will be tough. I am waiting for the year-end holiday now :-)

See you next post :-)

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